Plywood can be produced from any timber. But
it is typically produced from soft wood, because this provides maximum value
addition. In order to produce ply wood, first the bark of the timber is
mechanically removed. Then the logs are cut to proper length to make wood
blocks, ready for peeling. Prior to peeling the wood block are conditioned by
soaking in water, heating with hot water or with direct application of steam.
The logs are then peeled into thin veneer sheets on a rotary lathe. The veneers
are then dried in sun or industrial heaters. Once the veneers are dry, an
adhesive resin is applied to the veneers. They are then stacked together in
required size, with alternative layers having perpendicular orientation. The
stacked veneers are then pressed together by a hot press which cures the resins
thus boding the veneers together. The panel is then sawn into standard sizes.
A flow diagram of the plywood industry is
shown here. (To Be Added)